Keeping Your Roof Clean Has Lasting Benefits

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Do us a favor: The next time you’re outside, take a look at your home’s roof. Chances are, you’ll notice at least some dark spots. Unless it has rained very recently, these dark spots aren’t condensation, but a much more serious problem: algae.

In a humid climate such as the one we live in, especially in neighborhoods with plenty of shade and trees, algae such as Gloeocapsa Magma, more commonly known as blue-green algae, attaches to your roof and begins to spread and thrive.

Having algae on your roof is an unattractive attribute, but it’s also more than that, and it’s not something you can put off taking care of.

Here’s the thing: Roof algae is a living thing, and it’s feeding off of the natural components used in shingle production. If your roof isn’t cleaned regularly to treat and remove algae, that algae can lead to rapid deterioration of your shingles, which can have unwanted effects.

Roof shingles covered in algae are no longer able to efficiently reflect sunlight. The algae-covered shingles absorb heat, superheating your attic and increasing your cooling costs.

Algae growth can also compromise the integrity of your roof. This type of growth on your roof will absorb the moisture from dew and can penetrate the shingles, allowing moisture to get into the sheathing and causing wood rot.

When the wood rots in a home, moisture gets in through the cracks and creates an environment hospitable to mold growth. And mold growth in a home can pose health risks to people and pets.

In addition to this, the smell of wood rot and mold growth on your home can attract wild animals to your home and ultimately into your attic.

While it might be tempting to set aside a weekend to make your roof cleaning a DIY project, this may not result in the safest, most effective cleaning possible and can actually cause more harm than good. Without the proper cleaning detergents and low-pressure equipment, a homeowner can damage shingles and create permanent water damage to the home. The homeowner also can damage surrounding landscaping.

There’s also the added risk factor of falling due to not having the proper roofing equipment.

Using a licensed and insured roof cleaning company such as AllClean Pressure Washing ensures a high-quality, safe and effective roof cleaning is done in a timely and professional manner per Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association (ARMA) recommendations.